
Current Members
We’re so excited you’re a part of TSABAA!
To get the most out of your agency’s membership, take advantage of continuing education credits by attending one of our bimonthly meetings. You also receive reduced registration fees when you attend a TSABAA conference. Not to mention, the opportunity to network with other state agency members.
Volunteer Form
Follow us on LinkedIn
We’re NOW on LinkedIn! Connect with us and stay updated on current state fiscal matters.
Membership invoices for Fiscal Year 2023 were emailed through QuickBooks to the agency’s membership contact on file. The email sender was “Texas State Agency Business Administrators’ Association”. Don’t forget to check your spam filter if you haven’t received the email.
If you have any questions or if your agency did not receive the invoice, please email

Prospective Members
Join Us!
TSABAA membership is made up of business administrators from state agencies. The membership fee is $100 per state agency per fiscal year. There is no limit to the number of agency participants as membership is in the agency’s name.
Member benefits include:
- Free CPE credit when attending bimonthly meetings.
- Reduced registration fees when attending TSABAA conferences.
- Networking opportunities with other state agency members.
Questions about membership? Please complete the form below. Provide your contact information and a brief description of your question, and a TSABAA leadership team member will follow up with you.

Member Agencies & Contacts
Fiscal Year 2024
TSABAA membership is in the name of the state agency and there is no limit to the number of participants per agency.
The following people serve as the point of contact for agency memberships:
To update agency contact information, please email TSABAA Officers at